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Online Resources

Resources include federal and state Web sites offering a wide variety of information regarding benefits and services applicable to Veterans of War.  

New York State Division of Veteran’s Affairs
  New York has a proud history of service to those who have served their country. Our state veteran counselors are nationally recognized as some of the best in the business. Each one is a veteran, and brings a wealth of knowledge and a desire to help to all fellow veterans in need of assistance.
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
  Our goal is to provide excellence in patient care, veterans’ benefits and customer satisfaction. We have reformed our department internally and are striving for high quality, prompt and seamless service to veterans.
Vet Connect
  The VET Connect program, coordinated by the Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association (NorMet) and its member hospitals, assists veterans with employment and health care needs.
James J. Peters VA Medical Center
  The James J. Peters VA Medical Center prides itself on providing some of the world's finest medical care to America's Heroes.
"Anyone can use a hospital. Heroes Use the VA!"
VA Hudson Valley Health Care System
  VA Hudson Valley Health Care System offers a variety of health care services for Veterans. We have 2 facilities and 7 outpatient clinics in the Hudson Valley area.
White Plains Vet Center

Readjustment counseling is a wide range of psycho-social services offered to eligible Veterans and their families in the effort to make a successful transition from military to civilian life, including:

  • Individual and group counseling for Veterans and their families
  • Family counseling for military related issues
  • Bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death
  • Military sexual trauma counseling and referral
  • Outreach and education including PDHRA, community events, etc.
  • Substance abuse assessment and referral
  • Employment assessment and referral
  • VBA benefits explanation and referral
  • Screening & referral for medical issues including TBI, depression, etc.
Federal Government’s Human Resources Agency
  This site contains information for job seeking veterans, veterans currently employed by the Federal Government, and Federal human resources specialists. This site will assist individuals when determining a veteran’s special rights and privileges for Federal civil service employment.
U.S. Government's Official Web Portal
  U.S. Government’s Official Web Portal. Find lots of information for U.S. Military Personnel and Veterans.
New York State Government
  A collection of links and information that can be of great benefit to Veterans of New York.